Ranking - Le Point Santé 2020

Ranking - Le Point Santé 2020

The “Le Point” magazine has just unveiled its ranking of the best public/private hospitals and clinics in France for 2020.

We are happy to share the rankings for some of the disorders that can be treated at the Colmar Urology Centre.

Palmarès du Point 2020 : les établissements Doctocare parmi les meilleurs de France - Doctocare

> The Colmar Urology Centre is ranked 7th for the prostate cancer surgery

Ranking among 177 hospitals and clinics performing prostate cancer surgery.

> The Colmar Urology Centre is ranked 14th for the bladder cancer surgery

Ranking among 302 hospitals performing bladder cancer surgery.

> The Colmar Urology Centre is ranked 9th for the prostate adenoma surgery

Ranking among 282 hospitals performing bladder cancer surgery.

> The Colmar Urology Centre is ranked 10th for the treatment of urinary calculi

Ranking among 347 hospitals taking care of urinary calculi

 The “Le Point” journalists have taken into account various criteria in order to establish a ranking of the 1400 health-care institutions in France (hospitals and clinics). To get more information about the methodology, you can refer to this article.